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As a mom of two girls and a boy, I kept thinking about the hangtags that I posted yesterday and how I wanted a set that I could use in Bert’s room. So, that inspired a new color scheme and font choice for him.

Download it here or by clicking on the image above.

Let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions. I’m having a blast designing again.

Another free printable for prepping for the start of school next week. I absolutely HATE pulling outfits out of my magic mom hat at the last moment so this time around, we are planning in advance. I’ve seen these before where you basically use a door hanger and hang it on the actual hanger, but that seems messy and overboard to me. So, I created these round ones that go on the actual closet rod. This way, you don’t have to put the whole outfit on one hanger but just rearrange your hangers as needed. I think a little drawstring bag for undies and socks to hang on a hanger would work great here, too. Ideas, ideas!

Download here.

Blasts from the Past